Live Q & A
A person-to-person conversation about the business challenges and questions that matter most to you.
Join PERSONUS Consulting and a small group of industry peers (5-6) in a 30-minute Q & A that offers insights, information, and a great conversation.
This is a free event with limited space.*
Dates for November
& December 2024
How it works
Small Groups
Join a group of 5 - 6 industry peers for an engaging conversation, get your questions answered, and make new connections.
Submit your Question
At registration, you will be asked to submit your question. This is intentional so we can come to the Q & A prepared with clarifying questions, provide initial information, and be able to answer some follow-ups.
Succinct yet Informing
We have an approach with our Q & A's that helps us answer everyone's initial topic, keep things on track, and provide an opportunity for conversation. It's 30 minutes that will leave you informed and ready for your next steps.
No Shows & No Recording
Please try to cancel if you can. However, we get that things come up. We skip the questions from no-shows and focus on those who are present. We do not record the Q & A's, but we are always happy to follow-up with additional information.
Join Us!
*If registration is closed, it means the session is full. Please sign up for the next one or contact us to be placed on the waitlist.
You are also always welcome to reach out to schedule a short call with us to get your questions answered.